The Adventures of Pericles (Rent)

The Adventures of Pericles (Rent)

A storm at sea brings love into the life of Pericles, Prince of Tyre; another snatches it away. This magical production of Shakespeare's epic tale follows a fairy-tale hero on a miraculous journey as fate guides the wandering hero to one of literature's most poignant reunions. Evan Buliung gives a sweeping performance, portraying the dashing young prince with verve and swagger, and taking him into his elder years with sorrowful tenderness.

By William Shakespeare
Directed for the Stage by Scott Wentworth
Directed for Film by Barry Avrich
Designer - Patrick Clark
Lighting Designer - Kevin Fraser
Composer - Paul Shilton
Sound Designer - Verne Good

Marion Adler as Diana, Lychorida
Carla Bennett as Maiden Priest
Jacqueline Burtney as Maiden Priest, Citizen, Victim of the Tempest, Prostitute
Jessica B. Hill as Maiden Priest
Robin Hutton as Maiden Priest, Prostitute, Citizen, Victim of the Tempest
Jane Spidell as Maiden Priest, Philomen, Citizen
Evan Buliung as Pericles
Wayne Best as Antiochus, Simonides, Gentleman
Deborah Hay as Antiochus's Daughter, Thaisa, Marina
E. B. Smith as Thaliard, Leonine, Victim of the Tempest, Gentleman
David Collins as Messenger, Cerimon
Randy Hughson as Attendant, Gentleman, Bolt
Stephen Russell as Helicanus
Sean Arbuckle as Cleon, Gentleman
Claire Lautier as Dionyza
Keith Dinicol as Citizen, Gentleman, Pander
Brigit Wilson as Citizen, Victim of the Tempest, Bawd
Victor Ertmanis as Pirate, Master, Attendant, First Fisherman
Jamie Mac as Pirate, Third Fisherman, Victim of the Tempest
Rylan Wilkie as Pirate, Second Fisherman, Victim of the Tempest
Alex Black as Knight, Sailor, Victim of the Tempest
Ryan Gifford as Knight, Sailor, Victim of the Tempest
Sean Alexander Hauk as Knight, Sailor, Victim of the Tempest
Jonathan Winsby as Knight, Sailor
Ethan Lafleur as Footman
Antoine Yared as Lysimachus

Fight Director - John Stead
Assistant Director - Rona Waddington
Assistant Designer - Michelle Bohn
Assistant Lighting Designer - Jareth Li
Assistant Fight Director - Geoff Scovell
Choreographer - Carla Bennett
Fight Captain - Wayne Best
Vocal Monitor - Marion Adler
Stage Manager - Michael Hart
Assistant Stage Manager - Meghan Callan
Assistant Stage Manager - Crystal Skinner
Apprentice Stage Manager - Liz King
Production Assistant - Gregory McLaughlin
Production Stage Manager - Michael Hart
Production Stage Manager - Janine Ralph

The Adventures of Pericles (Rent)