King Lear (Rent)

King Lear (Rent)

A Kingdom divided, a family destroyed, the faithful banished and the hateful left to wreak inhuman havoc in the realm. Four hundred years after it was written, King Lear resonates as never before. Starring the incomparable Colm Feore in the role of a lifetime.

By William Shakespeare
Directed for the Stage by Antoni Cimolino
Directed for Film by Barry Avrich
Designer - Eo Sharp
Lighting Designer - Michael Walton
Composer - Keith Thomas
Sound Designer - Thomas Ryder Payne
Dramaturge - Alexander Leggatt
Dramaturge - Toby Malone
Fight Director - John Stead

Colm Feore as King Lear
Maev Beaty as Goneril
Sara Farb as Cordelia
Liisa Repo-Martell as Regan
Stephen Ouimette as Fool
Jonathan Goad as Kent
Scott Wentworth as Gloucester
Evan Buliung as Edgar
Brad Hodder as Edmund
Michael Blake as Albany
Mike Shara as Cornwall
Thomas Olajide as Oswald
Karl Ang as King of France
Derek Moran as Burgundy
Xuan Fraser as Curan
Robert King as Old Man
Josue Laboucane as Captain
Gordon S. Miller as Heralrd, Knight
Michael Spencer-Davis as Doctor
Harper Charlton (Appearance)
David Collins (Appearance)
Victor Ertmanis (Appearance)
Callum Hutchinson (Appearance)
Laura Schutt (Appearance)

Associate Fight Director - Geoff Scovell
Assistant Director - Birgit Schreyer Duarte
Assistant Set Designer - Devon Bhim
Assistant Costume Designer - Sara Brzozowski
Assistant Lighting Designer - Tristan Tidswell
Fight Captain - Jonathan Goad
Stage Manager - Anne Murphy
Assistant Stage Manager - Holly Korhonen
Assistant Stage Manager - Corinne Richards
Apprentice Stage Manager - Linsey Callaghan
Production Assistant - Jocelyn McDowell
Production Stage Manager - Margaret Palmer
Production Stage Manager - Cynthia Toushan
Technical Director - Jeff Scollon

King Lear (Rent)