The Wars Remastered
Canadian Theatre Package
2h 0m
Based on Timothy Findley's acclaimed novel, the film follows Robert Ross (Brent Carver), a nineteen-year-old Canadian living a protected life with his family in an affluent Toronto suburb. He enlists in World War I after the death of his intellectually disabled sister (Ann-Marie MacDonald) in an attempt to escape his grief and the social norms of Edwardian society. Drawn into the madness of war, he finds another way to resolve his conflicts, his dramas, his passions-his wars.
Streaming until March 18, 2025.
Up Next in Canadian Theatre Package
The Making of The Wars
The Making of The Wars featuring Martha Henry, Pat Ferns, Ann-Marie MacDonald and Rod Beattie.
An inspiring journey from page to stage.
Anticipating a visit by King George VI, an English teacher at a church-run residential school in Northern Ontario enlists her students in a production of All's Well That Ends Well. But her rigid ideas of how Shakespeare should be performed are challenged ... -
1939 Post Show Discussion
1939 Post Show Discussion with Jani Lauzon (Director and Co-Writer of 1939) and Kaitlyn Riordan (Co-Writer of 1939), moderated by Summer Bressette (Consultant, Indigenous Communities Outreach).