The Wars Remastered
Historical Moments
2h 0m
Based on Timothy Findley's acclaimed novel, the film follows Robert Ross (Brent Carver), a nineteen-year-old Canadian living a protected life with his family in an affluent Toronto suburb. He enlists in World War I after the death of his intellectually disabled sister (Ann-Marie MacDonald) in an attempt to escape his grief and the social norms of Edwardian society. Drawn into the madness of war, he finds another way to resolve his conflicts, his dramas, his passions-his wars.
Streaming until March 18, 2025.
Up Next in Historical Moments
Heartless - Audio Play | New France
“Heartless” propels us twenty years into the future, and into the voice of the daughters of the original families. An examination of the power of story telling and community to heal the intergenerational trauma of colonization.
"Heartless" was recorded on the traditional lands of the Anishinabe, ... -
Dark Heart - Audio Play | New France
In “Dark Heart”, we shift backwards in time to explore the backstories of the minor characters from “Deceitful Above All Things”, as they attempt to solve a supernatural mystery in this taut historical thriller. A young French bride disappears into the forest. Has she run off to be with her lover...
Deceitful Above All Things - Audio Pl...
“Deceitful Above All Things” immerses us in blood and lust via the tumultuous arrival in New France of two young women: one pursuing an illicit love affair with a priest, the other determined to escape the tyranny of childbearing. Both will challenge the conventions of their time and forge the mo...